James Davis on Scarlet: Defender of the Universe and fantasy books for kids

Scarlet: Defender of the Universe by James Davis. Book cover and author photo.

Our Cockatoo subscribers are heading off on a hilarious intergalactic adventure this month with Scarlet: Defender of the Universe. Action-packed with plenty of bonkers madcap humour thrown in, but also with plenty of empathy and much for young readers to relate to, this is an exciting debut by a brilliant new voice in children's fiction. Here James Davis tells us what inspired Scarlet and which funny fantasy series he recommends you read next.

What inspired you to write Scarlet: Defender of the Universe?

I simply wanted to write a book that I thought my son Edgar would love. I hadn’t even considered a readership beyond him at the time. He did love it and still does.

What do you think is the most valuable lesson Scarlet learns?

She learns that even her annoying brother, ‘a brainless twerp’ may just be invaluable in the right situation, and that we can still be kind sometimes, even to those that wind us up the most.

What would you like readers to take away from the book?

I would like them to take away slightly aching stomach muscles from all of the laughing and a strong desire to read book number two.

Can you tell us anything about what the future holds for Scarlet?

Scarlet’s universe expands in my mind every day. I will feel very privileged should I get to share all of it. I can tell you that her next adventure involves solving a crisis with the secret intelligence dolphins and a unique planet that is the medicine cabinet of the universe.

What do you think life would be like as the only child on Earth?

Very lonely. Children have a distinctive joyousness. To not be able to relate to anyone else on the same level is a scary thought. It would definitely inspire me to venture out into the universe and find my tribe if I could.

Do you have a favourite place to write?

I nearly always write at my desk in the loft. Which is lovely when the warm sun is shining through the window and awful when it’s so cold I am wearing two jumpers and have a hot water bottle.

Why did you choose to write books for this age group?

Because that’s how old my son was when I began to write it and I wrote it especially for him. I’m very happy writing middle-grade though, so I will stay as long as I can.

Which other funny fantasy books for kids would you recommend our subscribers read next?

The Percy Jackson series is delightful and always brought a lot of joy in our house.

Copies of our Scarlet: Defender of the Universe pack, including a copy of the book and loads of fun activities to go with it, are now available for individual purchase. Grab a copy while stocks last!

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