Jack Jackman on Maisie vs Antarctica and adventure books for kids

What inspired you to write Maisie vs Antarctica?
My daughter! When she was Maisie’s age we sat down together to work out a plot and draft the first chapters. Maisie isn’t based on her (and her really boring Dad definitely isn’t based on me!) but that really helped me to get Maisie’s voice.
What research did you do for the book and did you learn anything that surprised you?
I worked in Antarctica on an ice-breaker many years ago and I got to walk in places no human had been before. So a lot of the description of Antarctica comes from my own experience. When I was doing research I was surprised to learn that if you’re in a white-out and don’t know which way is down, the best way to find out is to drool!
Would you say that Maisie’s personality helps or hinders her in Antarctica?
Maisie is curious and headstrong, which gets her into trouble but also gets her back out so I guess a bit of both.
What do you think is the most valuable lesson Maisie learns?
Maisie learns all kinds of stuff about surviving in Antarctica but she also has to think a lot about what makes someone a hero. What she discovers is not what she expects!
Can you tell us anything about what the future holds for Maisie?
Well, Maisie finds out a pretty big secret in Antarctica… but it’s not the whole truth. There’s something else Maisie won’t find out until she’s deep inside the Himalayas. Her dad is good at keeping secrets!
Do you have a favourite place to write?
My local café. I love the grey noise in the background and I don’t get distracted by the washing-up. I don’t even have Wi-Fi and that really helps me focus.
Why did you choose to write books for this age group?
As well as a writer I’m a primary school teacher and this is the age group I’ve taught the most. When they read in class I can see what works and what’s a struggle, and I really try to think about that when I write.
Which other adventure books for kids would you recommend our subscribers read next?
The ones I like best are the adventures in exciting real-life places. Secrets of the Snakestone by Piu DasGupta is set in the catacombs under Paris; Mission: Microraptor by Phillip Kavvadias takes place in a French village and the Black Forest; Shipwrecked by Jenny Pearson is on a deserted island.
Copies of our Maisie vs Antarctica pack, including a copy of the book and loads of fun activities to go with it, are now available for individual purchase. Grab a copy while stocks last!
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