Alexander Slater on Celeste Express and fantasy books for younger readers

This month our Parakeet subscribers are heading off on an intergalactic adventure with Celeste Express: The War of the Wurms, the first in a hilarious and heart-warming new series that is perfect for newly independent readers. Action-packed, laugh-out-loud funny and full of brilliant cartoon-style illustrations, this is a slightly longer and more challenging read for our youngest subscribers, but ideal for sharing as a family. Here author Alexander Slater tells us all about what inspired his hilarious lead character and which other fantasy books for kids he recommends you read next.
What inspired you to write Celeste Express?
Celeste Express was inspired by an online art competition. The brief was “The Cutest Character in the Galaxy” and I settled on designing a character who was a cosmic postmaster because I thought it’d be a charming job role for a character to have in space. Celeste came out almost fully formed (only big difference was her hair was pink). But I took one look at her and thought ‘there’s a story in this character’ so I never entered the competition and wrote a book instead!
Which character did you most enjoy writing and why?
The Stardust bunnies are perhaps my favourite characters to write. They don’t say much beyond just ‘Squeak!’ but they’re incredibly expressive and a tiny bit silly. As I write them, I’m always thinking of how they’ll look when I illustrate their antics and they never fail to put a smile on my face.
What lessons would you say Celeste learns?
Celeste starts the series as a spoilt princess so she has a lot to learn throughout the books. But the biggest lesson she learns in this story and the one that sets her down the right path is “work hard and be nice to people”.
Which elements of Celeste’s personality would you say help her or hold her back?
Celeste HATES losing! This is both a good and bad thing for her as her hair-trigger temper and overwhelming need to win are usually what gets her into trouble.
But she’s an ambitious child, incredibly strong-willed and her determination to ultimately do what’s right is her greatest asset.
Can you tell us anything about what the future holds for Celeste?
I would love to tell you EVERYTHING that the universe has in store for Celeste! But then I’d probably have to throw you into a black hole. For now, I’ll say her next adventure is an utter rollercoaster of a story! It’s got heists, high jinks, a duel across the stars and the cosmic god of cats at the end of the galaxy! What more could you possibly want?
Why did you choose to write books for this age group?
It’s fun to write things for young people. It’s a chance to make a positive impact on them and I love the freedom I’m afforded to let my imagination run absolutely wild coming up with all sorts of stories for them.
Do you have a favourite place to write?
This is a boring answer, sorry, I exclusively write at my desk in my home studio where I also illustrate. If I write anywhere else like outside or in coffee shops I get too easily distracted by nature or choosing what food to order next. I also tend to write in pure silence because even music distracts me.
Which other fantasy books for younger readers would you recommend our subscribers read next?
The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander was easily one of my favourites growing up. Jamie Littler is a standout recommendation, both his Frostheart and Arkspire series are incredible reads packed FULL of amazing art. And of course, The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien which I think is mandatory reading for any young fantasy fan if you haven’t already.
Copies of our Celeste Express: The War of the Wurms pack, including a copy of the book and loads of fun activities to go with it, are now available for individual purchase. Grab a copy while stocks last!
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