Alan MacDonald on Huxley and Flapjack and his favourite illustrated chapter books for kids

What inspired you to create Huxley and Flapjack?
I wanted to write something funny and highly illustrated for younger readers. Once I had the two characters the rest followed.
How did the collaboration with Francesca Gambatesa work and were Huxley and Flapjack depicted the way you imagined them?
I wrote the first story while Francesca drew sketches of the characters to get them right. I love the way they’ve both turned out with Flapjack’s glasses making him look bookish and worried.
Which of the two friends are you most like and in what ways?
I’m probably more like Flapjack. I think things over before doing something while Huxley jumps in feet first.
What would your superpower be and why?
Listening - the world could do with more listeners!
Can you tell us anything about Huxley and Flapjack’s next adventure?
The second book involves a submarine...
Why did you choose to write books for this age group?
I like the fact that you can do almost anything in the story and felt there should be more fun, highly illustrated chapter books.
Do you have a favourite place to write?
I have a writing room overlooking the back garden, essential for daydreaming.
Which other illustrated chapter books for younger readers would you recommend our subscribers read next?
The Claude series by Alex T. Smith.
Copies of our Huxley and Flapjack pack, including a copy of the book and loads of fun activities to go with it, are now available for individual purchase. Grab a copy while stocks last!
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